As nature intended

Our cows graze on lush, green pastures, year round. New Zealand’s remote location has helped protect and preserve our natural environment for thousands of years. With a temperate climate and an abundance of water and clean air, everything thrives here.

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Better for the animals

Cows are the heart of our dairy farms, and their wellbeing means everything to our farmers. The high health and welfare standards of New Zealand cows means they live longer, productive lives. We have low use of antibiotics, and we  have some of the world’s lowest somatic cell counts in the world. None of our cows are given hormones to produce extra milk.


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Supporting soil health

Our grazed pastures create more organic matter and carbon content in the soil than cultivated fields. This provides the best conditions for plant growth, biological activity, water storage and erosion protection.


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Grass-fed pasture-based systems can support a more sustainable way of dairying

Science shows that New Zealand’s pasture-based system is very efficient from a water and fossil energy use perspective, when compared to other methods of farming.


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