Digestive Health
Supporting healthy digestive systems for happy babies.
Ingredients for Digestive Health
Interested in our Paediatric Ingredients?
SureStart™ has a broad range of ingredients to meet your needs
The SureStart™ range offers a number of ingredients specially designed to support developing digestive systems, and have been shown to help improve digestive comfort outcomes for formula-fed babies.

Our Gut Health Research programme and the development of Hydrolysates
Our Gut Health Research Programme involves numerous collaborators and health providers with preclinical and clinical expertise.
The objective of our research is to determine benefits of our ingredients and the mechanisms underlying these benefits.
Our major focus is gut motility and the impacts of milk proteins.
Currently we are completing a major six-year collaborative study looking at the effect of several ingredients on various parameters of gut structure, function and health.
This involves the use of in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models.
Preliminary results indicate our hydrolysate range may have digestive comfort benefits compared to intact casein, intact whey protein concentrate and hydrolysed soy protein.

How probiotics can support the immune system and gut health in infants and young children.

Probiotics show promise in boosting immunity and reducing respiratory tract infections in infants and young children.

LactoB HN001™ immune benefits during early life.

Health benefits of prebiotic GOS for infants and young children.
- [1] Fonterra Mothers & Health Care Professionals (HCPs) consumer research 2011 and 2012; NNB Fonterra Research
- [2] Berseth et al, 2009; Savino et al, 2003; Vandenplas et al, 2014
- [3] Dalziel et al, in Preparation
- [4] DP refers to ‘degree of polymerisation’. DP3+ indicates that our GOS contains oligosaccharides with an average chain length of three or more linked saccharide units.
- [5] The organic lactose used in GOS manufacture has been approved by the United Kingdom’s Organic Farmers and Growers, and the China Organic Food Certification Center.