NZMP's Recombined Reference written by expert multi-disciplinary authors
NZMP’s Recombined Reference is the experts’ guide to recombining dairy ingredients for multiple applications
03 Nov 2023
4 min
The Recombined Reference is an essential guide to recombining written by industry experts from multi-disciplinary backgrounds.
Recombination is the process where dried milk powder is reconstituted back into liquid form to create traditional dairy products including milk, yoghurt and cheese. The Recombined Reference will benefit brands creating these applications by providing expert tips and teachings throughout the manufacturing process.
Broken down into sections that are easy to understand, the Recombined Reference provides comprehensive insights into the basic principles and processes you need to master to recombine dairy applications successfully.
It is an expertly written resource that pulls everything together into the one place, saving time and eliminating uncertainty.
As the global dairy ingredients and solutions brand of Fonterra, NZMPTM has created this reference for its customers and other parties in the dairy industry. Fonterra is a Co-operative owned by thousands of New Zealand farming families and is one of the largest dairy exporters in the world. The Recombined Reference is based on scientific sources, Fonterra’s unpublished research and a wealth of experience and expertise in dairying.

The experts behind the Recombined Reference have spent the hands-on time at Fonterra’s Research and Development Centre to learn all about recombining specific applications. The centre is renowned for being a global research and development hub for the industry.
Grace Cabuay is the Beverage Applications Manager for Fonterra. Working in innovation and brand, Grace is responsible for developing, overseeing and translating work related to the development of science to deliver business-driven imperatives. Grace describes the Recombined Reference as a guidebook with expert advice about the ingredients and how to process them in their applications.
It is the go-to handbook for recombining traditional dairy applications and learning their nutritional benefits whilst prescribing tips on how to do everything in a safe, effective and efficient way.
The Recombined Reference taps into the experience of industry experts like Grace to provide world-leading knowledge on the subject. Written by senior research technologists, scientists and engineers, the Recombined Reference combines their expertise and years of experience with generations of knowledge from NZMP.
"The Recombined Reference shows our collective expertise."
- Grace Cabuay, Beverage Applications Manager, Fonterra
Ros Robertson is a Senior Research Microbiologist for Fonterra’s food assurance science team. Her expertise lies in working on new product and technology development projects, plus microbiological food-safe development. Ros has worked across a number of product types including UHT and recombining.
"The Recombined Reference has been written by experts from multi-disciplinary backgrounds – engineers, chemists, microbiologists like me and technologists involved in research and the real-world application of milk recombining. It's not just an academic tome."
- Ros Robertson, Senior Research Microbiologist, Fonterra

The manual provides a solid guide to recombined milk and dairy applications including their composition, quality requirements, grades, storage, handling and sampling. It also contains expert advice on recombining cream, formulated dairy beverages, cultured applications and cheese.
"The Recombined Reference is specialist expertise and advice. Based on that wealth, the accumulation of experience and application has supported ground-breaking research and product understanding over the years."
- Ros Robertson, Senior Research Microbiologist, Fonterra
The manual pulls together Fonterra and industry-wide expertise. It provides straightforward instructions for using NZMPTM ingredients and explains how they behave under certain applications. This is the fourth edition of this reference, with the time and effort applied by the authors to make it more accessible and easier to use. Creating such an in-depth, information-rich guide has required a lot of input from our industry experts.
Simon Gilmour is a Research Scientist for the global nutrition team at Fonterra. Simon is involved in health research, milk and milk components research, and new product development. His key area of expertise is nutrition and within that, Simon has dedicated a lot of his work to the protein area.
"The Recombined Reference shows our customers what the best practices are and from my point of view, the more people we get following best practice, the more nutrition is retained in those products."
- Simon Gilmour, Research Scientist, Fonterra
Simon believes the Recombined Reference will help manufacturers get the most out of ingredients. It pulls together all the key expertise from within Fonterra into one place, showing customers an accessible way to utilise NZMPTM ingredients.
The reference helps customers understand what different ingredients are designed for, their strengths and where the applications might not be well-suited.

Covering a range of milk drink applications with shelf lives longer than fresh milk, the Recombined Reference includes production considerations that are specific to each type. The applications within the manual includes acidic, premium and protein-enriched milks, milk teas and coffees, and flavoured UHT milks. For those looking to develop beverages with higher protein, the Recombined Reference provides the expertise on keeping the system balanced and making those products more stable.
Manufacturing cultured applications from recombined milk is very similar to manufacturing from fresh milk. For recombining and dispersion, the protein content of some milk sources can be low. Protein ingredients are frequently used to increase or standardise the protein and solids content. The Recombined Reference provides the technical expertise to help improve the quality of the end consumer product. With NZMPTM protein ingredients providing all the flavour and texture, the manual explains why there’s no need to use a multitude of other ingredients.
If you are a current NZMPTM customer or a manufacturer looking to create exceptional dairy products, the Recombined Reference will guide you through the recombining process with expert advice from some of the industry’s top professionals.