
New Research Findings for NZMP SureStart™ BifidoB 019

NZMP SureStart™ BifidoB 019 may help to provide immunity and protection in babies aged 6-15 months old.

09 Jul 2018

2 min

#Global #Innovation #Paediatric Nutrition

NZMP SureStart BifidoB 019™ has changed its name to Nutiani HN019™. For more information about this ingredient, visit
Results showed a reduction in physician-confirmed infections and in the need for prescribed antibiotic or antiviral medication in infants consuming the formula relative to an unsupplemented control group of formula fed infants.

BifidoB 019 may also help to support gastrointestinal function as it travels to the infant gut, which can therefore help with digestive health.

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that provide health benefits when they are consumed in the right amounts. NZMP probiotics, like SureStart™ BifidoB 019, are developed to meet three criteria; safety, efficacy, and stability.

After more than 25 years of probiotic discovery, our SureStart™ brand is well-known for clinical research that adds to the benefits of specialty infant formula ingredients.

SureStart™ BifidoB 019 is available globally to NZMP customers, who can also apply to use an on-pack SureStart™ mark on their products. This gives them an opportunity to differentiate their products by highlighting specific ingredients that are backed by science.

These marks can be used on front and back of pack to indicate that a product contains SureStart™ ingredients.

Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk is the best nutrition you can give to your baby.

It’s full of everything a baby needs to grow and develop in a healthy way and gives children the very best start in life.

Breast milk substitutes are recognised by the World Health Organisation as safe and nutritious alternatives to breast milk for infants whose mothers cannot, or choose not to, breastfeed.

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