Meet Maarten van Beek
NZMP Director of Medical Nutrition Maarten van Beek is passionate impact dairy ingredients can have on healthy ageing.
24 Jun 2019
1 min

of German consumers are interested in products that reduce age-related
muscle loss1
1 FMCG GURUS: Consumer and Market Trends - Dairy in Germany - June 2017
people aged 60+ are expected to exist globally by 20502
2 Frost & Sullivan
Maarten van Beek strongly believes medical nutrition – and NZMP’s dairy ingredients in particular – can have a major impact on the health of our society. “People are getting older and older, they live longer and longer with diseases, so they need medical nutrition more and more,” he says.
With dairy ingredients a key part of patients’ treatments around the world, Maarten says he feels lucky to have the world’s leading experts working in this field at NZMP.
[We’re working] to pioneer nutritional solutions to help and support patients to live longer and healthier lives.
Maarten van Beek
This information is intended for B2B customers, suppliers and distributors, and is not intended as information for final consumers.