
The low down on NZMP’s protein advantage

How to make the most of the global trend for high protein.

02 May 2018

3 min

#Blog #Active Lifestyle #Global

With an extraordinary breadth and depth in our protein portfolio, NZMP’s protein ingredients give our customers a competitive advantage.

Our position as a one stop provider of high protein solutions for customers is a key strength. Kelly Fleming, General Manager of Advanced Ingredients Portfolio & Partners at NZMP, talks about protein in the diet of everyday consumers.

 “We’ve seen a protein phenomenon in the past few years, with consumers understanding some of the everyday benefits of dairy protein and making it part of their daily diet,” says Kelly. 

NZMP Protein Consumer research in mid-2017 saw protein ranked #1 in importance for maintaining health and wellness by Chinese and Japanese consumers and #2 by consumers in Indonesia, the USA and the UK. 

Dairy protein is an excellent source of digestible essential amino acids. It provides more digestible essential amino acids per gram of protein than a non-dairy source. In fact, of the nine essential amino acids your body needs, dairy protein provides them all. Whey protein after exercise has the added advantage of being rapidly digested and its benefits are quick-acting. 

“Now that it’s a mainstream ingredient, we are seeing a huge uplift in products made by our customers that incorporate protein. And it’s not just powders and ready to drink beverages, protein can now suit all occasions. There’s a wide variety of high protein snacks being made like chips, muffins, brownies and even desserts like chocolate, ice-cream and cheesecake. You could almost say protein is making treat foods a ‘little better for you’!

“While body builders use protein for muscle growth and repair, the everyday consumer might use protein to maintain their muscles and joints for mobility, as well as for weight management. Protein also has excellent satiety properties for appetite control in a weight management diet. Put simply, eating high protein foods and drinks makes you feel full for longer. 

“Now with our sophisticated dairy protein ingredient development, breakfast, lunch and dinner (and even treats) can easily include the protein boost people are looking for. 

One trend we’re seeing more of globally, and a key driver of protein selection, is snacking on the go. Convenience is all about ease of consumption, availability and accessibility for the whole family.  

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“Ready to drink dairy protein, drinking yoghurts and nutrition bars are easy because they are shelf stable, quick to consume and have a great taste and texture.  I know in my own family I have noticed an increase in the consumption of high protein foods and supplements.  My kids aged 12-20 years-old are far more conscious of a protein and healthy diet than I was at their age, which is a great personal proof point that protein is well understood,” says Kelly.

Want more protein expertise?

Find out how you can deliver whey in a convenient format with an amazing taste and texture, and how to combine ingredients to achieve the optimum taste and texture for yoghurt applications.

Want more protein expertise?

Find out how you can deliver whey in a convenient format with an amazing taste and texture, and how to combine ingredients to achieve the optimum taste and texture for yoghurt applications.

The low down on NZMP's protein advantage

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