Latest findings for MFGM Lipids & Infant Cognitive Development
A new clinical study shows the benefit of SureStart™ MFGM Lipids on brain development and social-emotional outcomes.
02 May 2022
3 min
NZMP SureStart MFGM has changed its name to Nutiani MFGM Phospholipids. For more information about this ingredient, visit
Brain development is an important consideration for parents and continues to be a leading purchase driver of infant formula1. A new whitepaper, based on a recent clinical study, shows the benefit of SureStart™ MFGM Lipids on infant brain development – the first to measure the impact of a Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) ingredient alone2.
Breastfeeding gives infants the best start in life by providing immune protection and supporting optimal growth and brain development. Human milk is the optimal nutrition source for infants and is the gold standard reference for the development and improvement of infant formula products – the only acceptable alternative for those who cannot or choose not to breastfeed.
MFGM, naturally present in human milk, contains key components such as phospholipids and gangliosides that play an important role in infant cognitive development. Infant formula typically has lower MFGM levels than human milk as the milk fat is replaced by vegetable oil.
When compared to standard formula, a recently published China study demonstrates that a formula-fed infant will benefit from the supplementation of SureStart™ MFGM Lipid into milk formula as it can help to match the key MFGM levels more closely found in breastmilk3.
Through a series of cognitive assessments, this study demonstrated the following statistically significant benefits of SureStart™ MFGM Lipid 100 supplementation into milk formula when compared to standard milk formula:
- Improved social and emotional behaviour such as self-regulation and communication.
- Improved general adaptive behaviour – a parent assessed measure of self-care and independence.
- Improved attention and short-term memory.

Our deep understanding of nutrition enables us to design ingredients for early life nutrition products that meet increasing consumer demand of MFGM Lipids brain and cognitive development support in infants and young children.
We have two ingredients, SureStart™ MFGM Lipid 100 and SureStart™ MFGM Lipid 70 which can be sourced either from New Zealand or Europe. Our SureStart™ MFGM ingredients are patent protected as a source of gangliosides for improving cognition.
Our MFGM Lipid ingredients have been recognised throughout the industry for innovation and ingenuity: MFGM Lipid 100 won the Infant Nutrition category ‘Ingredient of the Year’ at the 2018 NutraIngredients Awards Asia.
- [1] Fonterra China Consumer Research 2019.
- [2] Xia, Yong, et al. "Neurodevelopmental outcomes of healthy Chinese term infants fed infant formula enriched in bovine milk fat globule membrane for 12 months-A randomized controlled trial." Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2021):
- [3] Xia, Yong, et al. "Neurodevelopmental outcomes of healthy Chinese term infants fed infant formula enriched in bovine milk fat globule membrane for 12 months-A randomized controlled trial." Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2021):
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