NZMP at International Whey Conference (IWC) 2020
4th December 2020, 16:00 - 16:20 [CET]
Register to attend the online session with Dr. Esra Cakir-Fuller PhD
Delivering improved functional and gastric digestion properties through advanced whey protein ingredients
Watch the webinar recorded at the International Whey Conference (IWC) 2020.
In this webinar, Dr. Esra Cakir-Fuller PhD addresses the current technical challenges of designing high whey protein nutritional beverages and highlight the ability of microparticulated whey protein (MWP) to overcome these technical hurdles without altering the textural properties and maintaining the nutritional qualities.
MWP can be regarded as a combination of native proteins and both soluble and insoluble protein aggregates of controlled size. The mechanism driving the enhanced heat stability of the protein particles will be explained based on microstructure, rheological behavior and particle size distribution under high temperature heat treatment.
She also discusses the upper gastrointestinal digestion behavior of these nutritional compositions designed with MWP using a human gastric simulator. Modulation of the gastric emptying rate under a dynamic in-vitro digestion study will be discussed.

Malnutrition is a severe problem especially among elderly, critically ill patients, or patients that are recovering from a surgery. The nutritional targets are often difficult to reach for those people, because patients typically have a lower ability to swallow, have lack of appetite and/or suffer from upper gastrointestinal intolerance.
Whey proteins are of great interest because they are easily digestible, are a rich source of essential amino acids, promote muscle protein synthesis and help to maintain muscle mass.
Although whey proteins can provide a significant advantage in oral nutritional supplements at high concentrations, their use is limited because of their susceptibility to heat-induced aggregation.
About the speaker
Dr. Esra Cakir-Fuller PhD
Principal Research Scientist, Fonterra
Esra's research focuses on using advanced technologies to develop new dairy protein ingredients with unique functional properties. This includes the design of heat stable whey protein ingredients for UHT beverage applications.
Her research goal is to provide an understanding of the physical and chemical mechanisms that control functionality so that the desired sensory and texture properties can be obtained.
Recently, the emphasis has been on how to utilise these unique protein ingredients in oral nutritional supplements for critically ill and/or recovering patients, as well as the elderly that are at high risk of malnutrition. She is also actively involved in intellectual property management.