Our Grass
Our New Zealand cows spend more time on pasture than anywhere else in the world*
New Zealand's land is ideal for growing grass

Our New Zealand cows are 96% grass-fed*
Grass is a natural food source for cows.

Our New Zealand cows spend 97% of their non-milking time on pasture*
They are free to roam around paddocks and exhibit natural behaviours.

Our cows are healthy and well cared for
Our pasture-based grazing system naturally provides a high level of animal welfare.
*Refer to our Grass-fed FAQs for full information on these statements. Any use of, or reliance on, the information contained on this website is not the responsibility of NZMP or the Fonterra Group.
Grass is a natural food source for cows and we’re experts at farming on it.
Moderate temperatures, fertile soil, plentiful rainfall and abundant sunshine help our pastures grow thick with lush green grass.
Our farming follows the natural patterns of pasture growth in New Zealand, making it one of the few places in the world where cows graze on grass year-round.